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A member registered Apr 23, 2022

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I loved this game so much! The interaction between characters is quite cute. Maya herself is genuinely relatable!

It was really cute and fun, I'll be here for future updates for sure! The game was fun, I spent a good 2 hours on it, and I regret nothing at all.

The characters all have nice personalities, and honestly my favourite among all of them is Robin. He's such an adorable character, needless to say he's quite relatable. His route was so sweet, and I enjoyed it!

Maya was really likable, she's more likable than most female Otome protagonists I know of, she's also super pretty. 

Thank you for this lovely game! I'll be awaiting for future updates.

This game is incredible! I played for hours on end, and I'm obsessed. I managed to complete what's available so far, and it's truly amazing. The plot was wonderful, I enjoyed even just reading the dialogue. The writing was incredibly good, I enjoyed it.

The story was really unique and rich, nothing like I've ever seen before. The art style was stunning, and I adored the designs and personalities of the characters. They're all so unique and well-written! 

I hope to see more content on this game in the future, it truly is amazing!